Student Benjamín Bravo presented a poster at the XII National Congress of Students of Biotechnology Engineering and Related Careers

Benjamín Bravo

Benjamin Bravo, a Biotechnology Engineering student at UTEM, participated in the 12th National Congress of Biotechnology Engineering and Related Careers Students, held at UNAB in Viña del Mar from October 28 to 30, where he presented the poster “Study of nanosystems using gold nanospheres coated in silica and gold nanoclusters anchored to aluminum and curcuminea for therapeutic effect on B16F10 tumor cells.”

N2BP members Verena Cárdenas and Dr. Natalia Hassan, Alternate Director of the nucleus, also collaborated in this investigation, along with Simón Guerrero.

Benjamin comments: “This conference has been an excellent opportunity to continue learning about new and emerging research that arises every day. I hope that there will continue to be opportunities like this for all those interested in the subject.”

“Taking part in this conference and having the opportunity to present my research work has been a great challenge in my career, in which I had the valuable support of the Minanolab team. I hope that many students will be encouraged to present their work and, in this way, acquire new experiences that will help them in their professional development in the future,” says Benjamin.

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