We congratulate Dr. Tomás Corales, N2BP Principal Investigator, and Martin Chavarria, N2BP PhD student, who were present at the International Congress ECIS 2024, “38th Conference of the European Colloid & Interface Society”, held in the city of Copenhagen, Denmark, from September 1 to 6.
At this event, Dr. Tomás Corrales gave a talk entitled “Multiscale Mechanics of Biocompatible Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering”, while Martín Chavarría presented “Coaxial nanofibers with electromechanical properties for Tissue Engineering”.
You can access the link to the activity at the following website: https://ecis2024.org/
After leaving Denmark, the core members moved to Mainz, Germany, for a one-week research visit or internship at the Max Planck Institute for Polymer Research (MPIP).
We share images of their participation in both activities.