Benjamín Schleyer, Master’s student, participated in an internship in Germany


Benjamín Schleyer,estudiante del Magíster en Ciencias (mención Física) de la Universidad Técnica Federico Santa María y pupilo del Dr. Tomás Corrales, Investigador Principal del Núcleo, participó de una pasantía en Alemania.


This, on the occasion of a collaboration with the Institute of Molecular Systems and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM) of the University of Heidelberg and the Max Planck Institute for Medical Research, focused on the synthesis of nano- and micro-structured surfaces using techniques such as Langmuir-Blodgett and Glancing Angle Deposition (GLAD).


These surfaces are intended to be used as a substrate on which electrospun nanofibers will be deposited. 


He was also present at the Max Planck Institute for Polymers (MPIP) located in Mainz, visiting the facilities, professors and projects they are working on. 


“In addition to the specific techniques I learned: Langmuir-Blodgett, surface functionalization, GLAD and SEM (Scanning Electron Microscopy), the trip showed me that the wealth of knowledge and ideas is found in the diversity of the people you meet. works,” says Benjamín. 


“In the research group I was in (Peer Fischer) the members were of varied origins and identities, so when discussing ideas or problems a wide range of points of view could be obtained, thus nurturing new and better ideas,” he adds.


We also told you that Benjamín participated in a Drachenboot race with the MPIP, obtaining first place in the category. In the main image we can see him with Dr. Michael Kappl.

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