UTFSM students participated in International Symposium


Students from the Federico Santa María University, together with Dr. Tomás Corrales, PI of the N2BP, participated in the International Symposium “From the Neckar Valley to the Andes Mountains: Breaking Borders with Molecular Systems Engineering”.

The event was organized by the Institute for Molecular Systems Engineering and Advanced Materials (IMSEAM) of the University of Heidelberg (Germany).

This took place at the Heidelberg Center for Latin America in Santiago from April 15 to 19, where senior scientists and young researchers attended.

On the cover we can see (from left to right) Tomás Corrales along with Dragica Bezjak, Benjamín Schleyer, Martin Chavarria, Diego Jaramillo and Catalina Navarrete.

USM students jointly presented the research poster “Nanofibers for Tissue Engineering: A Mechanobiological Approach”.

“It was an opportunity to make connections with students from other places and meet people who work in the same field that I want to dedicate myself to, in addition, a good time to learn about the University of Heidelberg and the programs that other chilean universities have,” says the student Catalina Navarrete.

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